The Chefs

Chef Iuliu
The perfectionist in the kitchen and probably the most exigent Chef, Iuliu is surprising our guest for the last 6 years with savory and innovation.
Chef Răzvan
Original from Transylvania, Razvan is the salt and pepper of in Sabres kitchen. Adding always passion to his work, he creates food for the soul.
Chef Dana
Being part of the team for the last 11 years, Dana is the veteran of the kitchen team. Experienced, calm and professional she creates astonishing plates.
Chef Zoli
Some will say he is a rebel, we consider him actually one of the innovators in the kitchen. Zoly manages to create special plates from each and every dish.
Gazdele Sabres
People are the charm of the place they say. Proudly, the numerous reviews received by Sabres, includes always praises for the quality of service. The team is fully committed to create the perfect experience for each and every guest.
The location manager, Moise is the first team member that joined us back in 2006. Professional and experienced, he always welcomes the clients with a big smile.